A Trial By Fire?

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Sometimes Motherhood can feel like a trial by fire.


Maybe…but when you’re wounded (especially if you don’t know it) it can defo feel like this.

Throw in the monumental errors made – thanks wounds – and it’s like rah what the heck am I even doing?!

But it’s not all doom and gloom 😅 

Healing is layered so the deeper you go, the more you see/feel. And that’s a GOOD thing! 

Does it mean there’s tonnes to forgive? Absolutely!

But that’s the blessing. If you can see/feel it, you can heal it.

Healing my inner children & shadow is showing me the blessing and honour it is to be a Mother.

As ghetto as this journey has felt/been, it is a true honour!

Motherhood & Forgiveness

Perfection is a myth. I finally get that now.

It’s defo for another post, but the programming of perfection is some serious bullshit!

If you suffer from being a perfectionist, this is your sign to learn how to forgive yourself and heal it. The truth is  you don’t know what you don’t know.

And also, you can’t unknow what you know.

You can only do your best with what you know going forward and that IS ENOUGH!

But of course change doesn’t happen overnight. So it can be painful to make mistakes that you feel you shouldn’t be making anymore. 

This is where you…yep…FORGIVE YOURSELF.

This part of the journey, for many reasons, can be sooo challenging. Worthiness is usually at the core of it though. Will do a post on that shortly and link it here. 

You are worthy of your forgiveness. YOU DESERVE your forgiveness; for the ways you behaved, what you said, how you spoke, and for the things you did when you were operating from fear and wounds. Both before and after you knew any better. 

You always deserve your forgiveness!

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