Is it enough for you yet?

you are enough text

Are you enough?

Have you ever said “I am enough!”

If you’ve been, or are in, the personal development world, there’s a high chance that you have most definitely said these words. 

And whilst those words are 100% true in their essence…do you really believe them?

Do you, at your core, believe that you’re enough?

How do you know when to call it?

If you’re enough, do you know when it’s time to call it on a situation, person, event?

At what point is enough, enough?

Have you ever found yourself in a situation that ‘proves’ you’re not enough? What did you do?

When faced with situations that demand your attention to areas that are painful to witness, what do you do?

When having to choose yourself when you don’t know what that looks like, what do you do?

How do you know when enough is enough?

Calling it quits...

If you are someone who gives chances, what is your limit? 

One, two, unlimited?

Why, if you do, do you give so many chances?

How do you know when enough is enough…

I’ve had to call it quits on many things, people, situations, beliefs, patterns, etc. 

And it’s always taken me too long. I will touch on it in another post, but when you’re conditioned to take and take and take, never knowing when enough is enough, you will often find yourself a victim of circumstances. 

And I promise you that is not a place you want to find yourself often. 

You are enough!

The journey to knowing when enough is enough can be gruelling but to get to that point where you can recognise your point of exit and bow out gracefully…it’s so deliciously sweet. 

If you’ve found yourself never knowing when to call it quits, never knowing when enough is enough maybe it’s time to teach yourself something new? 

I can guarantee you’ll find yourself living a more enjoyable and meaningful life because you’re operating with boundaries and more love for your self, inner children, wants, needs and purpose.